New challenges await you:
Once again, we will add new bossfights to the game. Team up with other players and unite your power and strength to defeat this threat. Press for image
Fixes for existing bossfights, especially for abuses with the rewards:
With the autumn update we are going to implement some fixes for the existing bossfights. These fixes will prevent players from getting undeserved rewards or loot.
Faster regeneration after monster fights:
While you are fighting against a monster your character usually does not regenerate. Once the fight is over it takes about 6 seconds before regeneration starts. After the autumn update, your regeneration will start faster once a fight is over. This change will speed up the game a little and make your adventures more fun.
Big changes on the Skillsystem:
Some really big changes are coming to the skillsystem. At the moment each extra star on a skill will reduce the cooldown by a certain amount. This is going to change:
Each skill, as long as it is applicable (it will not work for every skill) will have the same cooldown as a 5-star skill for each of its skill levels. So, what happens when you add an extra star to a skill, if the cooldown doesn't get reduced? Well, the skill simply gets better. It might deal more damage with 2 stars, compared to 1 star. Also, we will make skills available before level 8. To accomplish these changes we will remove all set skillpoints on all characters and give everybody some free ReRolls. After the update, you will need to assign your skill points again and choose your skills.
Changes on the Battlesystem:
Together with the Skillsystem, we are going to change the battlesystem as well. At the moment, a weapon that can deal 100 hit damage has the same chance to deal 1 or 100 hit damage.
The consequence is that you have this really powerful weapon, that sometimes deals this pitiful small amount of damage and might not even manage to kill a small bug at once. Well, that's going to change! With the autumn update your weapons will have a much higher chance to deal damage in the mid and upper end of its damage scale. Also we are going to eliminate 10% of the smallest values for each weapon - so they really won't deal something like 1 damage anymore. Also we have increased the chances for critical hits for weapons.
The Monster Statistics will now show all of your killed monsters
Many of you have wished for this feature for quite a while now. And here it is. After the update you will be able to scroll through all monsters you managed to defeat in your character's career. Back To Home
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